Smile at someone. They smile back. Reciprocity.
It is a law that has been around forever and the most successful entrepreneurs have always embraced it. The formula to reciprocity is simple. You get what you give.
In Life
Don’t believe me? Try these simple experiments in reciprocity:
Give a huge, genuine smile to the next person that walks by. They smile back. The law of reciprocity.
Volunteer. Your heart fills. The law of reciprocity.
Give the bird to the guy who cut you off. He curses you out. The law of reciprocity. Yup. It works that way, too!
In Business
I understand those prior examples were simple, but it goes further. Reciprocity applies to business too.
Lead with kindness and empowerment and see a stronger business.
Genuinely help others to become wealthy and you will become wealthy.
Do whatever you can to help your colleagues succeed and they will do the same for you.
Be fanatically loyal to your clients and they will be fanatically loyal to your company.
Give without an expectation of return and you will receive without an expectation of return.
Giving equals receiving. While we want to give without expectation, keep in mins that even the smallest kindnesses have an incredibly big impact. Maintain the spirit of reciprocity all year long, and watch your life and business become more enriched than ever.