The minority is embraced by the majority, if the minority is just one.
I went to a white grade school. And when I say white, I mean WHITE. Every student, every teacher, and every lab rat was white. One day, in third grade, a black student joined the mix. David was instantly the coolest kid in school. Everyone wanted to be David’s friend. Everyone wanted to hang out with him.
But the minority is rejected by the majority, if the minority is more than one.
My high school was mostly white. But there was a small faction of black students. There was a small faction of Arab students, and Asian students too. The groups, distinguished by how they looked, stayed in their groups. No other group, besides your own, was cool.
The minority is only embraced by the majority, if it is a minority of one. The minority is rejected by the majority, if the minority is more than one.
When I do a speech to female audience I am embraced by the group upon my arrival, but only if I am the only male. When there are a few guys mixed in with a group of women, the guys all of a sudden become kinda creepy.
Being the minority is a huge advantage in being accepted by the majority. Just make sure as hell you are a minority of one.
Each type has certain effects, I like the point the writer has made, quite interesting.