8 Ways to Find Happiness and Joy at Work

“Choose a job that you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” – Confucius

Yeah. About that. 

As entrepreneurs, you set out to create a business which consists of something you love to do. This thing is a service to others. This thing makes you tick. You’re good at it. You love to see it thrive and improve the lives of others.  

You should derive happiness from your business, according to Confucius, every day.

The reality? Look. You’re human. Not every aspect of every task is fun, or even fruitful. I compare it to exercise. Of course I’m grateful to have the health to work out, and the results bring me joy. But man, are there some days I just don’t “feel” it. 

Your work tasks are no exception. And for added pressure, there’s a societal expectation that we’re supposed to be happy every day. I believe in a positive mindset. At the same time, you’re allowed to not be artificially happy with every aspect of your jobs. Even the best job is still work!

One of the many challenges the pandemic brought about has been The Great Resignation. After the shut down and virtual work models, there was a chance for people to take a 360 degree view of what was going on in their lives. That went for their livelihoods too, which isn’t surprising considering how many waking hours are spent there. This led to a reframing of expectations from work, and many people quit their jobs in exchange for others that were more fulfilling, and just plain made them happier. 


But what about the business owners? Most of you can’t just up and leave your business. 

So how do you find the joy in your day, even when challenges are putting a pin in your big, colorful balloon?

How to be happy at work:

  • A mindset of gratitude – When I take a moment to meditate on what I’m grateful for, my energy tends to be more positive and lean into those areas.
  • Remember your purpose – While the ho hum tasks are flying around, keep an eye on why you started your business in the first place. 
  • Keep commitments – It’s easy to say, “Yes!”. You’re likely a go-getter. At the same time, it’s difficult to fulfill commitments if you overextend yourself. And over extension leads to stress, and potentially a halfa#$ service.
  • Celebrate the small wins – You don’t have to land a huge deal every day. The grind, while often monotonous, is all part of the journey.
  • Clean it up – Create a workspace that you love. Clear your desk. Declutter. Get organized. Add a dream board or art that represents your purpose and what you’re working toward. (We also play music, have a diffuser, incense, good coffee…and someone, and I’m not mentioning names here, is a pretty good prankster.)
  • Audit – Exciting, right? But, if you audit your systems, you will find redundancies and linchpins that you can eliminate, therefore leading to more efficiency, simplicity, time – and voila! Joy.
  • Create good working relationships – My team has told me they love working together. It reflects in how they interact. It’s truly one of the huge ingredients in the secret sauce. And, serve each other at work – help each other out. It will come back to you. You’ll learn from your colleagues’ systems and responsibilities too. 
  • Do your R&D – On you! Never stop researching and developing yourself personally and professionally. This has been a huge key for my team, and me. Make sure you’re doing something (a hobby, travel, exercise, reading, in your personal life to balance out your work life.

You don’t have to be an entrepreneur. You get to be an entrepreneur. Accept the ride. Stay healthy. Keep a clear mind. Celebrate your wins.

You (and I mean it) GOT THIS!



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