At the start of every year I go into my office alone and take a look around. I take a moment to absorb everything we’ve achieved. I began this tradition years back. I didn’t realize it then, but it ends up that this ritual of gratitude is a wonderful first step in growing and resetting my leadership skills.
I have gratitude for all the work we’re doing.
I have gratitude for my team.
When you watch this video you’ll come on a small tour of our office starting with the team wall. I’m looking at each person here and thinking about how they’ve contributed to our company and the entrepreneurial community.
We also created a “goal tree”, where we put up a leaf for each personal goal we’ve accomplished in our lives. This visual helps me, as a leader, recognize and support the personal goals and growth of my team. Because the happier they are, the happier I am. And let’s face it, our company thrives because of it.
I hope you have a ritual like this. Take a moment once in a while to step back and reconnect and acknowledge all of the good you and your company is accomplishing.
Thank you, and your team, for all you do.
I love this idea