The Simple Secret To Making Millions

If you want to make millions. . .

. . .serve millions.


32 thoughts on “The Simple Secret To Making Millions”

    1. That is something you need to ask yourself.  If you can’t figure it out, then you must find another way.  Making millions by serving millions is just one way… but it works very, very  well.

    1. It is… the most profitable vertical.  Which may constitute millions.
      I talk about it in TPE and call it the focus 5. Find a vertical with less then 5 competitors and you can make $5M within 5 years.  Vibram shoes introduction of the 5 finger shoe is an example of this… new vertical with millions of consumers.  Very profitable, very focused.

    2.  It is better to get one dollar from a million people than it is to get a million dollars from one person.

  1. Shouldn’t you qualify your statement just a little bit more Mike?
    If you want to make millions…
    ..serve millions.
    And make sure you charge at least a dollar.

  2. Did you realize that you sold your idea short? The concept is so amazing that, as stated in the picture, if you want to make billions, serve billions. Shoot for more than mere millions.

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