I just had a very uncomfortable moment. I happened this morning. In the shower nonetheless. When I was 8 years old and ran into my parents room because of an insanely scary thunderstorm. When I entered their room, some other thunder was clearly happening.
My parents hastily explained their penchant for sleeping in the buff. Something I took as fact, until 40 minutes ago. For my entire life, I believed my parents simply slept in their birthday suits. And now, the great cover up (pun intended) has been revealed.
What beliefs are your holding about your industry (or your parents), that supports a comfortable story? What seems to be too good to be true? What lies have you been telling yourself or listening to. It’s time for you to experience a much better truth.
Oh! And that shower my parents took together. I don’t think they were doing it to “conserve water.” I think they simply love each other. That’s a much better truth.