A Wake-Up Call for Business Owners

“Mike, I just can’t find the right fit. My employees interviewed well, but now they seem disengaged and uninterested in what I want to accomplish in my business.”

This wasn’t the first audience member to approach me about issues with their employees. I could identify. Once upon a time, I had a business that I was incredibly passionate about. I knew I could make a difference – a positive impact on the market – heck, even the world. 

Then one day Elliot (stick with me here) said he couldn’t make it to work for a few days. His grandmother had died. Of course, I gave him time off for bereavement and to be with his family. But when a client told me I was the best boss ever because I gave Elliot a week off to go to the Bahamas (they bumped into each other – small world), I realized that Grandma was alive and well, and the management of my team was just about dead. 

Why couldn’t I find the right fit? Why didn’t my team care about my company? What was missing? I was hungry to meet my goals. I was passionate about our purpose. My vision was, well, awesome. 

Ok now stop for a minute and reread the last two paragraphs. How many times did I write the word, “we”?

Exactly. You can’t expect your team to be invested in your company goals so much that they’re unstoppable if you make it all about YOU.

I think the biggest wake-up call for you as a business owner is to realize that if you have employees, you are a leader.

Sure, you’re a business owner, but do you consider yourself a leader? The realization that you’re the leader of your company and your team will make you understand that it’s your leadership style that will make or break your business. You must stop blaming your employees for feeling ho-hum about their jobs and just coming in for the paycheck. Time to drop my ego and get into a growth mindset that will transform your team and your business. 

I know that running your successful business is no easy feat, and you face a myriad of challenges daily. Common issues like hiring the right talent, combating complacency, and fostering drive and commitment within the team are often misunderstood and misattributed to the employees themselves. However, these problems frequently stem from deeper, systemic issues within the organization—symptomatic of poor leadership.

In the coming weeks, we’ll dive deeper into these topics, providing insights and strategies to help you become a better leader and, in turn, create a more effective, motivated team. But first, let’s take an overview of the key challenges business owners face and why rethinking your approach to leadership is crucial.

The hiring conundrum

Hiring the right talent is one of the most critical aspects of running a business, yet it’s also one of the most challenging. Many business owners struggle to find candidates who are not only qualified but also a good cultural fit for their company. The tendency is to blame the talent pool or the candidates themselves when hires don’t work out. However, the issue often lies in the hiring process itself. A poorly defined role, unclear expectations, and a lack of understanding of what makes a good fit for your company culture can all contribute to hiring mishaps.

Complacency in the workplace

Complacency among employees is a significant concern for many business owners. When team members appear disengaged or unmotivated, it’s easy to point the finger at them for not taking initiative or showing enthusiasm. However, complacency is often a symptom of a lack of challenge, recognition, or opportunities for growth within the company. Great leaders understand the importance of continuously inspiring and challenging their team, creating an environment where employees feel valued and invested in the company’s success.

Lack of drive and commitment

A lack of drive and commitment among employees is another common issue that business owners face. It’s frustrating to see team members who don’t seem to care about the business as much as you do. While it might be tempting to attribute this to laziness or a poor work ethic, it’s often the result of employees not feeling a sense of ownership or connection to their work. Effective leadership involves fostering an environment where employees feel a sense of purpose and ownership, which in turn drives their commitment and performance.

Misunderstanding leadership

One of the biggest misconceptions among business owners is misunderstanding the root cause of these problems. Many see these issues as inherent flaws in their employees rather than symptoms of poor leadership. This is a wake-up call: If you are a business owner, you are a leader. Even if you don’t see yourself as one, your role requires you to lead, inspire, and guide your team towards success.

Effective leadership is about more than just managing tasks and overseeing operations; it’s about setting a vision, building a culture, and empowering your team to achieve their best. It’s about understanding that the success of your business hinges on the strength of your leadership and your ability to create an environment where employees can thrive.

A wake-up call

For anyone who is a business owner, now is the time to reflect on your leadership style and its impact on your team. Are you fostering an environment that promotes growth, engagement, and commitment? Are you addressing the underlying issues that contribute to hiring challenges, complacency, and lack of drive?

Over the next few weeks, we will explore these topics in greater detail, offering practical advice and strategies to help you improve your leadership skills and build a stronger, more motivated team. Stay tuned as we delve into each of these challenges, providing you with the tools you need to transform your business and lead your team to success.

This is your wake-up call. Embrace your role as a leader and take the first step towards creating a thriving, unstoppable team. I did. Not only do I have more employees, but I work with employees who are the right fit. I’m a better leader because of them, and they are stronger as a result of how I lead.

You’ve got this!


For strategies to build your own unstoppable team, grab your copy of ALL IN now.


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