Finding Your Niche: How to Avoid Being Too Broad and Make a Lasting Impact

One of the biggest challenges you’ll face when building your business is finding your niche. It’s tempting to want to be everything to everyone, but the reality is, you can’t be all things to all people. When you spread yourself too thin, you end up being that old cliche of a jack-of-all-trades and a master of none. That’s why it’s crucial to hone in on a specific market and become the go-to expert in that area.


When you’re looking for your niche focus, it’s easy to be too broad. You start with the intention of serving as many customers as possible, but this leads to vague strategies, a diluted offering, and missed opportunities. Without a clear focus, your message just gets lost in the noise.

What you may be doing

When starting on your niche seeking adventure, you’ll likely begin by asking broad questions of potential customers, hoping to gather insights that will guide you to your niche. While it’s important to understand your audience, this method often results in an overwhelming amount of data – with no clear direction. You end up with a lot of information but little progress.

What you should be doing

Instead of casting a wide net, you need to narrow your focus and dive deep into specific action steps. On page 62 of my book Surge, I outline a disruptive approach to finding your niche. Here’s how you can apply these steps to zero in on your perfect market:

Action steps to find your niche

  1. Know your clients better than they know themselves. Understand your clients’ problems, pressures, needs, requirements, and desires. Dive deep into their psyche and figure out what drives them. When you know your clients this well, you can anticipate their needs and deliver solutions they didn’t even know they needed.
  2. Identify their communities – where do they hang out? Discover where your potential customers spend their time. Are they active on specific social media platforms, forums, or community groups? By engaging in these spaces, you can learn their language and understand their pain points firsthand.
  3. Address common frustrations in the industry. What about your industry is wrong or frustrating for your customers? Identify these pain points and offer solutions that others have overlooked. This is where you can truly differentiate yourself and carve out a unique niche.
  4. Join their gang. Become an active member of the groups and communities where your potential customers are. Participate in discussions, offer value, and build relationships. This will help you gain trust and establish yourself as a thought leader in your niche.
  5. Network with the top influencers in the industry. Building relationships with influencers can provide valuable insights and open doors to new opportunities. Their endorsement can also help you gain credibility and reach a wider audience.

Remember –  you can’t be all things to all people, but you can be everything to someone.

I know you’ve got this! Wishing you health and wealth always.



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