This week, my new book Get Different will be released.
After years of marketing research, beta classes and experiments on my own company, it’s time to share what I know is the best recipe for your marketing success.
I remember when I began my first business. Just the phrase, “marketing”, made me cringe. I thought my work would speak for itself, and soon everyone who needed me would find me via word of mouth. I have a word for you – lazy! If my journey as a business owner has taught me anything, it’s that we must market. You began your businesses because you had a product or offering that was superior to anyone else. Wonderful! Question is, who is that helping if no one knows about it? You have to create effective marketing. And you must do it differently than anyone else to cut through all the other white noise of the masses and get noticed.
The world is constantly evolving, as will the needs from your business and your marketing. At some point, you will have to up your game to stand out so that the people who need you can find you.
If you want your business to serve others (and let’s face it, make sales), you need to Get Different. Then you’ll obtain the proven, no-nonsense method to position your business, service, or brand to get noticed, attract the best prospects, and convert those opportunities into sales. The key? Mastering the millisecond moments where prospects decide to engage or ignore your marketing. Yes please.
This marketing system is a game-changer for everyone.
I’m so excited to see Get Different work for you and your business.
– Mike