Want to hire great talent (and who doesn’t)? Skip the resumes. Resumes are simply a compilation of experience – a compilation of skills. Skills are thee stuff that great talent picks up at a snap of their fingers.
The greatest employees are the people who have a great attitude. They have relentless energy. They are super intelligent. Their life’s purpose aligns with your company’s mission. They share your immutable laws. None of these things are listed on a resume. None of these things can be trained.
Interview people based on what you can’t give to them – their attitude, energy, intelligence, vision and immutable laws. When you find these people, you have found great talent. Hire them. You can give them the skills part. They will pick up the skills fast, all people with the right attitude, energy, intelligence, vision and immutable laws do.
Immutable law #1- No Dicks Allowed. Still using it.
I agree. Before getting my current job, I applied through 3 different recruiters for this same position. They all turned me down because I didn’t have experience in some stupid stuff. I emailed the hiring manager and got the job on my first interview. I have saved this company over 1.6 million dollars and I never had to use the stupid stuff the recruiters tuned me down for, to this date. Their loss! 🙂