How To Run Job Ads That Get Great Employees

For years I ran ads for different positions, and would always get hundreds of resumes in response. The problem was 95% of those respondents were generic responses. They were people who could care less about this specific job, they just wanted any job.

It took tremendous amounts of time to vet through the resumes, and rarely resulted in interviews of good people. Then I found a shortcut.

I now run long descriptive ads, with a catch. Near the final paragraph I insert a line or two that says:

“If you are truly interested in this position and understand all the details I just outlined for you, I need to know. When you respond to this position, in the email subject line you must put the words “I Read It!” or your response will not be considered.”

With that little requirement, the 95% of blanket respondents remove themselves from consideration. I just look for emails with the subject line I required, and consider those folks. It has saved me countless hours looking through resumes, and brings me only the candidates that I know are seriously thorough and interested.

You need to do the same.


1 thought on “How To Run Job Ads That Get Great Employees”

  1. nice! I did this last week and hired a part-time position, per Mike’s recommendation. I am posting another one for a 2nd part-time position now, and doing the same technique!

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