Marketing to Attract Customers – Part I

Your marketing needs some demo followed by some solid remodelling. How do I know? Because it’s true for every business.

The world and the economy are always evolving. Heck, we’re evolving. At least I hope. It’s not the same world it was when you started your business (even if it’s new). Your clients and future prospects are going to have new needs and concerns and you need to be ready to serve them.

The D.A.D. Method is the cornerstone to my next book, Get Different. I’ve already been on my soapbox about the first element, which is, you guessed it, about getting different in your marketing. Do you have that down pat? Feeling confident? Then it’s on to the next step: attracting your customers. For good.

Once your marketing is different and getting noticed, you must engage and attract your audience. Attraction is what holds that attention you garnered from being different. Now, you can show a shiny object and get attention, but that’s not the same as attracting. At least not successfully. Successful attraction engages your prospects for the long term. The Attract stage of the D.A.D. marketing method is designed to hold your prospect’s attention, and dominate that attention in your industry or niche. 

Most importantly, you need to understand what resonates best with your audience. It’s of utmost importance to know who your customer is. You want to ensure that your approach will appeal to the people you want to serve, not turn them off. How will you establish your marketing as an opportunity they will consider, instead of a threat they will avoid? Make how you are attracting works for who your community is.

After years of research, I can say that gimmicks and talking without doing the walk only work for the short term. How will you keep customers engaged in your marketing?

The biggest component of attracting your customers is to establish attraction influencers (no, not social media influencers though there’s a similar idea here). Attraction influencers are the key attributes your business needs to attract and influence your audience for the long term. Let’s dive in to some of them: 

  • Authority – First, you want to be sure that your customers see you as the authority in your niche. This increases their trust in you, because they see you as the expert that can serve them best. And, it’s human nature that people want to be associated with the top dog.
  • Trust – Speaking of trust, if you are already a trusted source in your field, people will already have established confidence in you. 
  • Repetition – Here is an interesting fact: The more something is repeated, the more likely it will ring true for people. So if you know your offering is life changing, yell it from the rooftops. Over and over. 
  • Social significance – Even the most humble of people want to feel they’re doing something important to serve their community (business or otherwise). Some prospects will be attracted to the idea of being elevated through association with you and/or your service.
  • Alignment – Alignment validates us. When we relate to something, we are more likely to want to stay connected in that space. Letting your customers know your priorities are aligned with theirs creates familiarity and comfort.

Which of these influencing strategies are the best fit for what you know about your audience? That’s your secret sauce, right there. I cannot wait to hear what happens when you implement some of these!

I am wishing you tremendous success!


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