Buyers have a negative association to dollar signs and decimals. Even if it is for a fraction of a second, $39.00 feels more negative to consumers than 39 does.
That’s why fine restaurants often drop the dollar sign and the decimal in their menus. The finest of the fine don’t show prices at all (if you have to ask. . .)
I am not suggesting you don’t show your pricing, but when you do display your prices I am suggesting you ditch the dollar sign and the decimal. It gives you an ever so slight advantage over the alternative.
Mike! Don’t you think it can lead to confusion…????
I guess it could, if it clearly isn’t in a price column. The goal is for the customer to know it is price, but just for them not to experience that underlying negativity.
Agree with Sunshine.
Using 9’s and 7’s as the last digit works better, too–for some psychological reason.
Really?!?! That is so bizarre. I wonder why.
Good idea, Mike–but you’re making me hungry!
Well. You gotta eat!