Have a great idea, protect it!! Here are a few ways to help secure your proprietary information.
1. File A Patent
Depending on the industry, it may be the best option even though it can be very expensive. Filing for a provisional patent can be done through websites like LegalZoom.com and cost about $300, a well worthwhile investment in the long run.
2. Keep Your mouth Shut
Coca-Cola has kept their secret a secret by doing what….not talking about it. Keep the process or product proprietary and put processes in place to keep it a “trade-secret”.
3. Poor Mans Patent
This may not be as secure as a patent but it is a hell of a lot cheaper,easier and faster. Put your logo, confidential and proprietary information into flat mail folder. Mail one through certified mail to yourself and another to a family member or lawyer as a back-up. Don’t open it!! Now, if you ever have to dispute the date of when the idea was conceived, you have proof.