Reset Your Mindset

Health, wealth, love and happiness. This is my morning mantra.

I share this with you because as entrepreneurs, we are always on the go. But there has to be a balance. We need to have some moments to get centered, reset our minds and get laser focused on where we want to put forth our energy.

I find the most successful entrepreneurs serve others and the world. I’ve also noticed one of the tools used in that success is practicing a ritual to begin their days. Maybe yours is meditation, exercise or even journaling. Whatever it may be, a morning ritual gives you an opportunity to set your intention for the day, and that my friends, can create a very powerful impact on you and your business.

While traveling in India, I discovered (ok I didn’t discover them but it was new to me) singing bowls, which are traditionally used in meditation and personal spirituality. I brought a few home for me and those close to me and began to use it as a tool to meditate. Now I don’t know about you, but mediation can be tricky for me. It’s human nature for stillness to feel challenging. At times it’s downright impossible to shut off our monkey brains, feelings and the rotation of to do lists. When you strike the singing bowl, it feels like a call to pause. The beautiful sound of the singing bowl somehow clears the air, sending out the vibration of the bowl, along with your attention – and intention, out into the world.

So again, health, wealth, love and happiness. This is the intention I set. I say this for myself, my wife and children, extended family, business partners, my colleagues, community – really, the whole world. Including you. Even if subconscious, your intentions you set will manifest throughout the day.

How do you start your day? Consider resetting your mindset to have the most positive impact in your life.


5 thoughts on “Reset Your Mindset”

  1. Great video, Mike. Thanks for sharing. In my morning ritual I visualize for 5 minutes before I leave my house and recently I am raising the level of energy while doing my visualizations, it helps me a lot to start my day in a positive mood.

  2. I have one of these bowls (not even sure where it came from) and never realised that’s how to use it. I just thought you “dong” it at the beginning of a meditation and again at the end 😁 Hence I don’t use it as I also struggle with mediation unless it’s guided through headphones.

    So, thank you for this, I’m going to give it a go.

  3. Thank you, Mike! Health, wealth, love and happiness to you, as well.
    As a Reiki practitioner, I have a “morning moving meditation” that includes stretching and stating the five principles of my practice aloud, mantra-like. Given my line of work, one might say, “Well, of course YOU do this!” But honestly, my biggest challenge is committing to it each morning! I forgive myself when Monkey Brain drives right into the business day, because – bless her – she has the best of intentions and many good ideas. On those days I aim for a variation of the morning meditation either in late afternoon or right before falling asleep – which perhaps unsurprisingly, reeeally helps with a good night’s sleep. : )

  4. I love that bowl! I want one, just to make that sound.
    My ritual
    Every morning, I make coffee, meditate, read scripture from the Christian bible, (although I like the Tao Te Jing sometimes, as well), and contemplate what I read. When I’m on it, I journal. It’s also important to me to remember my “Calling” as I like to say.
    All the checklist, scheduling my day stuff is inconsequential for me. I just put it on my calendar and get on with it.
    Thanks Mike, Your so cool!

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