You Don’t Get It, Because You Don’t See It.
You don’t really get it. Nor do I. Nor does any entrepreneur.
We think we know what it takes to build buildings. To write books. To fix computers. To do what we do.
Yet we don’t.
You don’t get it because you make it. You don’t depend on it.
Eyes – Black And White by George Hodan
Do It. Then Build It.
If you build buildings for senior citizens, spend a month caring for the people who live in the building. Bath them. Feed them. Experience their pains and their joys. You will build better buildings.
If you write books, don’t just read them. Steep yourself with people who have been served by books. And steep yourself with people who have had books fail them. Your books will be better.
If you fix computers, be the person who prints out the critical document that can no longer be emailed because the computer broke. Jump on a plane, fly across the country, drive through torrential rain and try to deliver it. Only to get a door slammed in your face because you’re too late. Come back and tell that one to the boss. You won’t only fix computers, you won’t let them fail.
You don’t really know what your customer needs. You think you do. But you don’t.
Go immerse yourself.
Great article Mike 🙂
Thanks Adis! Have you been able to do this for your business?