The Power of Your Rallying Cry for Business Success – A How-to Guide

Following along this month? If so, by now you’ve paddled hard to catch your wave (your niche) and aligned yourself perfectly in front of it. Now it’s time to get ready to pop up on that wave – the energy is about to shift from you doing all the work to relying on the wave to carry you. This week, we’re going to focus on the crucial step of “rallying” your audience.

The new challenge with your wave

At this stage, one major issue you may face is that customers don’t know what you stand for. It’s hard to rally people around your brand if they aren’t clear about your purpose and message. This is where many businesses stumble. They might have a fantastic product or service, but if their customers don’t understand what makes them unique or why they should care, the business can’t build the momentum it needs to ride the wave.

The typical approach

When faced with this problem, the typical approach is to shout your value proposition from the rooftops using a megaphone, broadcasting your message far and wide, hoping it will resonate with someone, anyone. However, this approach often leads to wasted effort because it dilutes the message. It’s like trying to catch fish with a net that’s too wide—the fish just slip through.

Do this instead: Use a dog whistle

Instead of using a megaphone, use a dog whistle. You only need the right people to hear your message. Start with your company’s purpose and rallying cry – this becomes your company’s best marketing tool. Here’s how you can do it, using the steps outlined on page 82 of Surge.

Steps to create your rallying cry

  1. Get clarity on the purpose of your company:
    • Why does your company exist? What is the core mission that drives everything you do?
    • Spend time reflecting on these questions and getting crystal clear on your purpose.
    • Your purpose is the foundation of your rallying cry, the essence of why you’re in business, and what makes you unique.
  2. Make your message memorable:
    • Take your purpose and distill it into a simple, memorable statement.
    • It should be something you and your team can easily repeat and rally around.
    • This should also be a statement that explains your offer and the promise it carries to provide the solution to your customer’s problems.
  3. Keep sounding the cry in your content, conversations, service, and products:
    • Your cry should resonate in your content, your conversations, your service, and your products.
    • Consistency is key. The more consistently you use your rallying cry, the more it will stick in the minds of your audience.
  4. Find fanatics and empower them (not stalkers – those are bad):
    • Who are your superfans? Identify your biggest fans – those customers who are already passionate about what you do.
    • Empower them to spread your message. Think of it like team sports fans rallying around their favorite team. Give them the tools and incentives to become your brand ambassadors.
    • These fanatics are your most valuable assets in spreading your message far and wide.
  5. Make it easy for people to repeat your messaging:
    • Your rallying cry should be simple and memorable, making it easy for your fans to repeat it to others.
    • The easier it is for them to spread your message, the more your brand will grow.

Real-world example: Life is Good

Let’s take a moment to dive deeper into the success story of Life is Good. This brand is a perfect example of how a clear, focused rallying cry can transform a business. Life is Good started as a small t-shirt company with a simple yet powerful message: “Life is Good.”

Their rallying cry is more than just a tagline. It’s a philosophy, a lifestyle, and a movement. It’s simple, positive, and deeply resonates with their target audience. This message attracts people who believe in the power of optimism and want to spread that positivity. Life is Good has built a tribe of loyal fans who don’t just buy their products—they live the brand’s message.

Here’s how they did it:

  1. Clarity of purpose: Life is Good is rooted in the belief that optimism can change the world. Their purpose is to spread the power of optimism and to help kids in need. This clear mission drives everything they do and makes it easy for their audience to understand and connect with the brand.
  2. Memorable message: “Life is Good” is a succinct and memorable statement that encapsulates their entire philosophy. It’s easy to remember and repeat, making it perfect for rallying a community around a shared belief.
  3. Consistent messaging: Whether it’s through their t-shirts, social media, events, or charitable activities, Life is Good consistently reinforces their message of optimism. This consistency helps embed the rallying cry into the minds of their audience, making it a part of their everyday lives.
  4. Fanatics unite: Life is Good empowers their fans by involving them in their mission. They share stories of optimism from their community, host events, and encourage their customers to spread the word. These fans become brand ambassadors, passionately promoting the Life is Good philosophy.
  5. Ease of repetition: The simplicity of “Life is Good” makes it incredibly easy for people to repeat. It’s a universal message that can be shared in any context, helping the brand’s message to spread organically.

Imagine blowing a dog whistle

Now, let’s go back to the dog whistle analogy. Imagine blowing a dog whistle. Not everyone can hear it, but the ones who do are exactly the ones you want to attract. This is the essence of a focused rallying cry. It’s not about reaching everyone; it’s about reaching the right people who resonate deeply with your message.

Life is Good effectively uses this dog whistle approach. Their message isn’t for everyone, and that’s okay. They don’t try to please everyone; instead, they focus on their core audience—those who believe in the power of optimism. This focused approach allows them to build a strong, loyal community that not only supports their business but also amplifies their message.

As you transition from paddling to riding your wave, remember that your rallying cry is your compass. It guides not just your marketing efforts, but your entire business strategy. By consistently sounding this cry, you’ll find your tribe and they will help you carry your message forward, amplifying your reach and impact. And your impact is what it’s all about. 

The world needs you! Tell them why!

Wishing you health and wealth always.

– Mike

PS. For more methods to master the market, grab your own copy of Surge.


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