Your Money and Emotions – Breaking the Money Shame Cycle with Profit First

Not everyone talks about it, but everyone feels it: managing money is a source of anxiety. 

It’s easy to feel like your self-worth is tied to your business’s bottom line. “When my business makes a profit, then I’ll be successful,” you tell yourself. However, success doesn’t start when you have money in the bank. It starts with taking control of your finances from day one. That’s where Profit First comes in.

The old-school formula, “Sales – Expenses = Profit,” leaves you at the mercy of what’s left over. No wonder so many small business owners struggle to turn a profit. 

With Profit First, this outdated approach is flipped on its head. Instead, you take your profit out first: “Sales – Profit = Expenses.” This forces you to prioritize profit and become more resourceful with your remaining budget, creating a healthier financial foundation for your business. One that sustains it for the long game.

More than numbers – It’s about empowerment

The emotional impact of implementing Profit First is undeniable. It’s not just about numbers on a spreadsheet, it’s about taking back control and breaking free from financial stress. When you start prioritizing profit, you’re not just creating wealth for your business, you’re building confidence and peace of mind.

Imagine seeing actual profit accumulate in your bank account. That sense of control, combined with tangible results, empowers you to make smarter decisions. Whether it’s reinvesting in your business, giving yourself the salary you deserve, or simply knowing you have a financial buffer, Profit First gives you the stability and freedom to move forward with confidence.

How to get started

You don’t need to make massive changes right away. Start small—set aside 1% of your revenue into a separate profit account. Over time, increase that percentage and watch as your profits grow while your expenses naturally adjust.

Profit First is more than just about balancing the books. It’s about reshaping your mindset. It’s about breaking the cycle of financial shame and empowering yourself to build a business that thrives.

If you’re ready to regain control of your finances, Profit First offers a simple yet powerful approach to transform the way you manage money. If you haven’t already, take the first step today and start small, stay consistent, and experience the impact of putting your profit first.

Wishing you health and wealth always.

– Mike

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