A Favorite Business Tip – The Weekly Wake Up

One of the most actionable business tips I can offer is something you’ve heard a lot lately – Different marketing is better marketing. But you must know what your unique “different” is, and how to implement that in your marketing to drive more business.

Being different doesn’t mean outrageous and controversial. It means do something unexpected and that gets noticed. It can be as simple as creating a signature outfit. Me, I use my vest as a signature look. Jesse Cole of Savannah Bananas wears a bright yellow suit and wide-brimmed hat. If we traded outfits, it wouldn’t make sense. Being different is all about finding the unique identity of your business, and enhancing that to draw attention – different, yet positive, attention.

Getting attention for attention’s sake doesn’t work. It must compel and attract your target audience. What can you do in your business that is different enough to stand out from the rest of your competition? Look at what separates you from the crowd. How is your offering better than anyone else’s?

Check out Get Different to create the best marketing your business, and your customers, have ever seen. There’s an opportunity to fully immerse in the Get Different system here. And, check out the resources here.

As always, I am wishing you tremendous success. 



1 thought on “A Favorite Business Tip – The Weekly Wake Up”

  1. I have a custom quilting business closing in Connecticut moving to Tennessee in December 2021. I am starting using your book Profit First. What or how should I do the closing and opening suggestions?
    I am starting with a small budget of $5,000. My business has grown from google searching.

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