Ask yourself this question, and answer it honestly:
Do you have tunnel vision?
Small business owners are focused on the end game. Makes sense. And you likely have a system you follow to get results.
But, in this recession, plowing ahead and repeating the same strategies you’ve implemented in the past may not drive the same profitability in your business.
How about forging a new path, and increasing your chances of reaching your small business goals?
My friend Tuesday P. Brooks offered me a prime example of thinking outside of the box in order to create more profitability. Tuesday is a Profit First Professional and owner of AJOY Management Enterprise, a financial management advisory service that she founded years ago. Her mission is to foster the growth of financially-sound women-led companies by helping them understand bookkeeping and accounting more clearly. Aside from the advisory aspect of her business, Tuesday has also created a business academy, called The Phindiwe Business Academy. Tuesday’s academy provides education to young women in finance who want to grow their careers. She took her financial advisory knowledge and married it with her mission to help women prosper in a new, and very effective way.
By completing the certification, students increase their employability. And, out of her first twelve graduates from Spring 2022, Tuesday was able to hire three of them for her own organization. So, she’s helping women become more employable, and creating a recruiting pool of her very own. Brilliant!
Tuesday created a new product based on knowledge that she is already a pro in. Is there a facet of your business that you too can into an offering?
Whatever challenge you’re facing, remember it’s not just a challenge, but an opportunity. If one door closes or the path you’re on ends up on weeds, create a new door. Forge a new path. You never know what discoveries are ahead that you can implement in your business. You may even help others along the way.
I’m so excited to be on this journey with you. Thanks for letting me tag along.
You’ve got this!