Join the Club – The Clockwork Revised and Expanded Reviewer’s Club

If you want exclusive access to me and my latest systems, read on.

I’d like you to join the club. The Clockwork Reviewer’s Club, that is.

Your reviews are what have propelled not only my books, but other entrepreneurs and small business owners forward. Letting people know what you think carries a ton of weight.

I just finished Clockwork Revised and Expanded: Design Your Business to Run Itself. With this book release, we thought we’d sweeten the offering.

All you have to do is pre-order, review, and let the benefits come to you by inviting you to The Clockwork Reviewer’s Club.

Steps to become a Reviewer’s Club Member (we made it simple!):

Pre-order Clockwork Revised and Expanded: Design Your Business to Run Itself

Enter your receipt at THIS LINK to gain PDF access to the book NOW

From there, you may become a member of the club and get access to the Clockwork Reviewer’s Group, where you may interact if you like, as well as leave your review.

Submit the review and get the exclusive invitation for an entrepreneur meetup with the Reviewer’s Club, as well as with Mike. If you cannot make it to the meet up, Mike will have a 15 minute coaching session with you personally!

We’d love to have your review by August 15th!

As an added bonus, when you join The Reviewer’s club, you get exclusive access to Clockwork webinar with Mike Michalowicz, Kelsey Ayres, and Emily Doyle of Clockwork, which will be open to only you, on July 19th at 11am Eastern.

Your voice counts. Get the book and tell the world what you think.

Thank you for allowing me to be on this journey with you. Helping create sustainability in your business is one of my greatest passions!

With gratitude,




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