Ports of Entry – What is Your First Impression?

Business relationships begin with first impressions. And first impressions are the longest lasting.

First impressions matter. Obviously, right? We think about our posture, what we’re wearing and how we speak. But do we always remember that in business, first impressions are the ports of entry for our clients?

What is the first thing you are showing your perspective clients about your business and what you can offer? Your point of entry may be a keynote speech, website design or voicemail. What are the ways that you utilize your points of entry to make the best first impression and stand out above the rest?

Think about it. What is the strongest representation of you and your business? That is what we should lead with when first meeting clients (and going forward as well, let’s not let ourselves go!). What are you presenting? Make sure it represents you well!



1 thought on “Ports of Entry – What is Your First Impression?”

  1. Great point!
    It’s just like walking into a restaurant or store and being greeting instead of watching the receptionist on their phone or chatting with a co worker when people are waiting.

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