November 28, 2013
Black Friday Is A Manufactured Event
I want to let you in on a little secret: Today, Black Friday, didn't just happen, it was manufactured. People didn't miraculously figure out that the best shopping deals of...
November 27, 2013
Is It A First World Problem?
I was complaining to my accountability partner about the tight cash flow I was experiencing this fourth quarter. She responded by saying "Good thing you have a first world problem....
November 26, 2013
Sam Walton Was K-Marts Best Customer
Sam Walton once said that he believed he was K-Mart's best customer. He visited the K-Mart stores throughout the country every chance he had. On one particular visit, Walton discovered...
November 25, 2013
The Misfit Advantage
Are you a misfit, weirdo, outsider, oddball or some other form of unusual? Congratulations, others already see how you are different. Now, you just need to embrace it. Better is...
November 24, 2013
Keeping Corporate Culture
During a recent trip I stopped by one of my favorite chain restaurants, Cracker Barrel.* It was a new store that had opened in New Jersey, yet I noticed many...
November 23, 2013
Prevent Stealing With A Picture Of Eyes
Studies show that people adhere to rules more when they think they are being watched, even if the watching eyes are fake. A recent stop at a McDonald's showed this...
November 22, 2013
The Pizza Test
How many people does it take to tackle your toughest challenges? Surprisingly few! Five or six people is an effective brainstorm, ten is a distraction, and twenty or more is...
November 21, 2013
A Lesson In Profit First: How Healthy Is Your Business?
As I conducted interviews for Profit First, I found a scary trend. Of the 300+ entrepreneurs I spoke with for this book, most are quick to share - scratch that,...
November 20, 2013
Competitor Being Acquired?
After Penn State's massive Sandusky scandal broke, the football program went into turmoil. Fines, penalties loss of scholarships and a need to realign the entire program. During this turmoil other...
November 19, 2013
Need Client Insights? Become A (Temporary) Journalist!
Do you want to know what your top clients and prospects really need from you? Do you want to know the biggest problems or opportunities they face? Do you want...