Business Book

The Best Way to Begin Profit First

I'll level with you. I receive a ton of email about my books, and Profit First is no exception. Oftentimes, business owners are reluctant to implement something new - even...

Testimonial – How Profit First Saved My Business (Check out the call to action at the end to help others!)

We get lots of email here. Oftentimes we get testimonials - no, transformonials, about how Profit First saved or improved a business. These emails are my favorites. Not so I...

Want permanent profitability? Get Profit First

 I am so pumped! To date, over 350,000 businesses worldwide have obtained permanent profitability using the Profit First system. (Insert happy dance here.) Have you read it? If not,...

Writing a Business Book

When you have an idea for a book, where do you start? One of the most common questions I am asked is how to write a business book. You can...

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