
Naysay The Naysayer

When the naysayer says, “What if it’s a flop?” Ask them, “What if it isn’t?" When the naysayer says, “What makes you think you can do it?” Ask them, “Why...

Unlimited Wealth from One Simple Method

Have you heard the old story of the Mexican Fisherman and the American Tourist? It goes a little something like this: Once upon a time, in a land far, far...

Why You Should Become An Entrepreneur

You’ve had the moment. I am sure of it. That fleeting thought of a great idea. Or that momentary dream of being your own boss. And maybe, just maybe, you...

The Business Innovation Technique Of Blending

Entrepreneurs are natural innovators, but even the most forward-thinking people sometimes need a little nudge to help open their minds to new possibilities for growth. One of the best ways...

The Sun Is Always Shining Above The Clouds

I was flying out of Newark Airport. The weather was miserable. It was wet and cold. The ground had puddles and the grass was covered in mud. The clouds were...

The Absolute Source for Every Entrepreneur’s Success

As soon as Donald Trump mentioned it about any of his competitors their pole numbers hit the skids. I’m referring to having low energy. Being an entrepreneur is more than...

How To Know If Your Business Idea Is A Good One

It is likely the most common question I hear: “How do I know of my business idea is a good one?”  That question is usually followed up with, “Would you...

The Adored Entrepreneur: 9 Traits To Acknowledge

We all know the type – the business owner for whom any employee would bend over backwards.  The shop owner whose staff treats every single customer as if they’re the...

Now Was Two Words Ago

Now was two words ago. Now has actually become four words back now. There it is again. Now passes so quickly. Don’t wait. Catch it now. (If you don’t, now...

6 Negative Traits Of Entrepreneurship That Remain Unspoken

I’m a member of an entrepreneur group.  It’s full of people whose names you’d recognize, owners of companies with a world-wide presence.  I was stunned at one of the meetings...

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