Growth Strategies

The Business Innovation Technique Of Blending

Entrepreneurs are natural innovators, but even the most forward-thinking people sometimes need a little nudge to help open their minds to new possibilities for growth. One of the best ways...

Ripple Innovation In 4 Steps

When businesses get stale and lose their creativity and ability to innovate they do one of two things. They order in doughnuts or bagels and lots of coffee and call...

Now Was Two Words Ago

Now was two words ago. Now has actually become four words back now. There it is again. Now passes so quickly. Don’t wait. Catch it now. (If you don’t, now...

You Are Never Going To Make Enough Money; Here’s Why

Yes, you read that right. I’m here to break the bad news to you. You aren’t ever going to make enough money! You simply can’t ever make enough money. It’s...

5 Secrets To Increasing Your Prices

It’s inevitable. We all have to raise prices at some point in order to stay solvent. It’s also inevitable that we’re going to agonize over the decision, worrying about what...

How To Name Your New Company

If you are picking a company name the old fashion way you are in trouble. You know what I am talking about — brainstorm names how customers can quickly figure...

Profitable Pricing in Four Steps

A jewelry store at a busy cruise ship port had a store full of items, one of which wasn’t selling, despite its relatively modest price of $25.  Frustrated and worried...

Choice Is Killing Your Business

Are you running a business or a smorgasbord? I get. You love your customers. You want to make them happy, meet their every need and grant their every wish. So...

Your Confidence Will Climb By Taking Your Profit First

In your business, always take your profit first. It immediately puts money in your pocket, confidence in your heart, and innovation in your mind!   .

Always Have These 6 Contractors At The Ready

You land a big new project and need expertise and staff that you don’t currently have. No small business can afford an army of employees just sitting around waiting for...

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