
Empower Any Employee With 3 Questions

You can’t do it all by yourself.  I don’t care how brilliant you are, at some point, if you want to scale up your business, you’re going to have to...

Ripple Innovation In 4 Steps

When businesses get stale and lose their creativity and ability to innovate they do one of two things. They order in doughnuts or bagels and lots of coffee and call...

The Best Wins, The Better Goes Unnoticed

The faster runners are unknown, but the fastest is - Usain Bolt. Stronger financial returns are nice, but the strongest financial returns are what everyone wants. There out countless companies...

The Adored Entrepreneur: 9 Traits To Acknowledge

We all know the type – the business owner for whom any employee would bend over backwards.  The shop owner whose staff treats every single customer as if they’re the...

Now Was Two Words Ago

Now was two words ago. Now has actually become four words back now. There it is again. Now passes so quickly. Don’t wait. Catch it now. (If you don’t, now...

Reward The Effort, Not The Outcome

When my son came home with straight A's, I congratulated him on the success. That was a mistake, because what gets rewarded get's focused on. While at first blush, getting...

4 Reasons Why You Should Never Force Holiday Work For Employees

My jaw dropped, and not because there was more turkey and pie. I was watching football with my family after enjoying a delicious turkey dinner, and the news came on...

Change Someone Else In These 6 Ways

You know those movies where the guy says, “I could tell ya, but if I told ya, I’d have to kill ya.”? My second company, the one that did computer...

How To Run Job Ads That Get Great Employees

For years I ran ads for different positions, and would always get hundreds of resumes in response. The problem was 95% of those respondents were generic responses. They were people...

How to Have a Great Place to Work

Do you have a great place for people to work? If you hesitate about answering that question, it may be time to give it some thought. Having a high turnover...

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