
Get Your Slow Employees Working Faster

Productivity, as any entrepreneur can attest to, is one of the, if not the most, important issues that a company has to deal with. Productivity gets things done, and when...

The 4 Unexpected Ways Leaders Spark Innovation

What do Abraham Lincoln, King Arthur and Mahatma Gandhi have in common? No, this is not the start to a bad joke. These famed leaders are known for their ability...

How to Keep Your Employees Happy (When More Money Isn’t An Option)

In case you’ve been living under a rock — in Antarctica — the economy is still sputtering back to health. The “new” economy is uncomfortable (still) to everyone, including your...

What Is Being In Control?

This is likely the most misunderstood concept circulating in modern day society.  Being in control means that all the elements of your life are easily managed by you. Effectively you...

How Do I Know That My Employees Trust Me?

The fundamental underpinning for life itself is trust. If people didn’t have trust, they wouldn’t even get-up in the morning. Think about it. Your employee trusts the floor is going...

What Makes Great Marketing, Great?

Great marketing generates educated, filtered prospects who are convinced you have the right solution for them. Your sales team gets inquiries from qualified, knowledgeable prospects. Their job is simply to...

25 Business Quotes To Live By

Entrepreneurs in general are take-charge, independent people. I sure fit into this mold myself, but I also recognize the wisdom that can be gleaned from the words of business and...

Provide A Solution For What Will Be Needed

Wayne Gretsky is famous for saying, “I skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it is.” Successful entrepreneurs know to deliver a solution for where the...

What Are Your Office Traditions?

As I am writing this, I just got back from doing push ups. In fact the entire office just did push ups.  Why, you ask? Because it is our office...

The Element of Job Ads That Is Most Important (And Often Forgotten)

We’ve all seen (and maybe even written) those job ads that make it sound as though the staff is a sunny, smiling crew and the environment is full of high-fives...

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