July 8, 2015
The Shoulder
I am working on my next book as I write this. One of the privileges of being an author is you get to speak with extraordinary people from all walks...
July 2, 2015
How Would You Rather Fail?
Entrepreneurship is risky. It is fraught with challenges. While you can choose to do exactly what you love to do, there is a real possibility that you will fail. The...
June 16, 2015
How Do I Know That My Employees Trust Me?
The fundamental underpinning for life itself is trust. If people didn’t have trust, they wouldn’t even get-up in the morning. Think about it. Your employee trusts the floor is going...
June 5, 2015
The Poem Of The Struggling Entrepreneur
e. Two. There’s anything I’ll do... Three. Four. To serve the next knock at the door.. Five. Six. Even if it’s outside my offering mix... Seven. Eight. Any opportunity of...
May 28, 2015
What Do You Stand For?
What do you stand for? What is your purpose? How is your company a platform for your purpose? So, tell me. What do you stand for? Got it? Good. Now...
May 26, 2015
Get Happy About Your Work Again! Here’s 8 Ways To Do It
Hate your work? Do you know why? It’s because you’ve lost your purpose. I mean you could happily carry a load of rocks on your back for 100 miles if...
May 13, 2015
25 Business Quotes To Live By
Entrepreneurs in general are take-charge, independent people. I sure fit into this mold myself, but I also recognize the wisdom that can be gleaned from the words of business and...
May 12, 2015
Provide A Solution For What Will Be Needed
Wayne Gretsky is famous for saying, “I skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it is.” Successful entrepreneurs know to deliver a solution for where the...
May 7, 2015
One More
The best athlete takes one more lap than the other guy. The best student studies one more hour than the other guy. The best entrepreneur does one more thing than...
April 30, 2015
The Most Important Conversation In The World
My son played in an 8th grade lacrosse game this weekend. I use the term “played” loosely. He saw seventeen seconds of field time. When we got in the car...