
How To Be Memorable In Business

The formula to success? Being memorable. Throughout our lives we constantly encounter people from many walks of life. Often though, we only remember a select few of those folks. Why...

Why Social Media Is Killing Your Business

If you spend some time reading business articles, you are bound to come across those that contain glowing remarks about using social media. Probably 99 percent of the articles out...

The Perfect Age to Start a Business

Want to know what the best age is for you to start a business? It’s simple – today! Many people search for the answer to this age-old question and wonder...

Why Business Plans Can Actually Hurt Business Progress

The first rule of thumb for any entrepreneur is to sit down and write a business plan, right? After all, that’s what all the “experts” and many business start-up books...

Going from One Employee (You!) To Many

If you are like most small-business entrepreneurs, you started out with just one employee – yourself. And you may still be the only employee. But at some point, in the...

How To Constantly Improve Your Small Business

We have all been told over and over that, when you are building a business, you need to pick a goal. You need to make it big and clear, and...

How To Win Business Awards

I used to think winning an award was just a silly thing. More of an ego stroke than anything else. But the day I won the Young Entrepreneur of The...

How To Use Color In Your Business

Looks matter. So much so that research by the secretariat of the Seoul International Color Expo documented 93 percent of test subjects put the highest importance on visual factors when...

What Is The Best Way To Market My Business?

No question about it. You need to be all over social media! No. Wait. Hold on. I take that back. I meant, you must have a killer website that links...

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