
A Good Business Makes It “Stupid Easy” For Clients

For all the negative things we can say about airline travel, there is one thing they get right… Regardless of the language you speak, the how to instructions are obvious....

How To Apologize To Your Client

When entrepreneurs mess up, we need to apologize. I’m not talking about indiscretions or extra marital affairs. I’m talking about mistakes in customer service, or missed promises, or any version...

How To Build Powerful Rapport With Your Clients

Have you have ever wondered how it is that some of your competitors seem to always be in harmony with their clients, while others fight to stay in their good...

Need Client Insights? Become A (Temporary) Journalist!

Do you want to know what your top clients and prospects really need from you? Do you want to know the biggest problems or opportunities they face? Do you want...

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