September 15, 2016
Weirdos Wanted!
Next time someone calls you weird, revel in it. It’s the weirdos who are different. It’s the weirdos who challenge the norm. It is the weirdos who realize the foundation...
June 2, 2016
The Worst Ones Don’t Even Try
The worst surfer at the beach is the one who never leaves the beach and ventures into the ocean. The worst athlete at the stadium is the fan commenting from...
March 4, 2016
Facial Cues: How To Detect If A Client Is Lying
It was going to be the biggest client engagement of my life. After eight months of wining and dining my prospect I had received the nod to deliver a proposal....
December 10, 2015
Be Unique. Be Interesting.
Not a single unique person has universal appeal. Not a single interesting person is universally liked. Yet the people with the courage to be truly unique are the most interesting....
November 26, 2014
Turn Your Biggest Weakness Into Your Biggest Strength
You know the standard approach - first, identify your company’s weakness and then do everything you can to fix it. Practice at it relentlessly, feed you team (and yourself) with...
October 1, 2014
Entrepreneurship requires courage. It requires courage to start, it requires courage to continue. But perhaps most importantly, it requires courage finish. As each phase of the entrepreneur’s journey comes to...
October 29, 2013
Twenty Seconds Of Bravery
My wife said, "It took twenty seconds of bravery." Three months later she keynoted to one hundred entrepreneurs and their spouses. Krista had never keynoted before. She had never done...