

My friend, Barrett owns a lawn care business. To grow his company he hired a company to do outbound calls as the new season approached. As frustrating as it may...

The Best Advertising Method Ever

The best advertising method ever? It's not Facebook. It's not email blasts or pay-per-click. It isn't even a Super Bowl ad. The best marketing has always been word-of-mouth, where your...

What Makes Great Marketing, Great?

Great marketing generates educated, filtered prospects who are convinced you have the right solution for them. Your sales team gets inquiries from qualified, knowledgeable prospects. Their job is simply to...

Ask Your Prospects What They Predict

People are more likely to do something when they say (or write) that they will.  For example, if you announce to your family you are going to work out at...

Need Client Insights? Become A (Temporary) Journalist!

Do you want to know what your top clients and prospects really need from you? Do you want to know the biggest problems or opportunities they face? Do you want...

Why Customers Constantly Want New, Different And Unexpected Stuff

Our brains are designed to assimilate oddities in our surroundings fast. We have to - it is a survival mechanism. In the caveman days, the hunter (possibly your great, great,...

Handwritten Notes: The Forgotten Business & Sales Tool

  For Those Who Can't Read My Handwritten Note I admit, there is one downside to a handwritten note. . . sucky handwriting can't be understood.  So, just in case...

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