
A Lesson in Recurring Revenue

So there is a guy who owns a candy store. One day, while some of his customers are browsing around, a little boy walks inside. The store owner turns to...

How To Destroy Employee Loyalty

I had dinner a few nights ago with a friend who works for a Fortune 500 company.  He’s been looking for another job for nearly two years now, and he...

Revenue Doesn’t Matter, Business Health Does

Please don't ever again tell me how “big” your business is. I could care less. I don’t get excited about the number of employees you have. You lose my attention...

Empower Any Employee With 3 Questions

You can’t do it all by yourself.  I don’t care how brilliant you are, at some point, if you want to scale up your business, you’re going to have to...

How To Figure Out Your Competitors Revenue

Analyzing your competitor’s revenue is a helpful tool in measuring your own progress and potential.  Duh.  It’s not rocket science.  You won’t beat ‘em if you can’t find the finish...

A New Question

The next time you meet with a fellow entrepreneur and discuss your businesses, ask him/her this question: How profitable is your business? For some reason that question never gets asked,...

The Inevitable Entrepreneurial Question: How Much You Should Pay Yourself?

Every entrepreneur stumbles sooner or later with the question of what they should be paying themselves. It is a fair question and one that you shouldn’t ask without doing a...

Your Long Term Business Strategy According To Vilfredo Pareto

Okay, here’s your history lesson for today … with a practical application to your business, of course!  In 1906, an Italian economist made what seems like a simple observation, but...

7 Ways To Discover Your Biggest Competitor’s Secrets

Investigating what’s going on with your competition can not only give you invaluable insight into what your rivals are up to, but it can also give you information about your...

Not All Revenue Is The Same

Not All Revenue Is The Same Every dollar your company makes isn't the same.  Sometimes the dollar you earn cost you seventy five cents to make.  Other times it costs...

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