5 Ways Keeping it Simple Scales Small Businesses

   We've been chatting about our immutable laws a lot lately, or as you may call them, core values. We have them displayed around the office since visualization is...

Three Reasons to Establish Core Values in Your Business

Before sales. Before profit. Heck, before you put on your pants. There's one thing that your entire business revolves around, and you may not even think about it. Your values....

Your Mission Matters

   Try to ignore the hair as I attempt to offer some deep thoughts. I recorded this video while on the road after I had given multiple keynote speeches...

What Are Your Priorities? Focusing on the Important Things in Life

   What reminds you of the important things in your life? For me, one of these reminders is this church. While very spiritual, I'm not an overly religious person....

Tax Aversion Tips for Your Business

   There are over Two Thousand Five Hundred pages in the tax code for the United States. Here’s the thing, only a few pages are about paying your taxes....

The Future You

   Here’s a quick question to contemplate: How are you serving your future self?   As much as I like to stay present, I also realize that the decisions I...

An Easy Business Strategy to Change Your Life

When I first took my act on the road and began to perform keynote speeches, I had the privilege of meeting hundreds, no thousands, of small business owners. One of...

6 Steps to Avoid Business Burnout

 Since April is Stress Awareness Month, it’s a great time to remind each other that we humans are - well, human. So here’s my big question to you: Are...

Relay is becoming the official banking platform for Profit First

Today, I’m thrilled to announce that Relay is becoming the official banking platform for users of Profit First. We’re joining forces because Relay is deeply committed to keeping business owners...

What the Heck is Profit First?

"What the heck is Profit First?" I heard this question a couple of years ago from across the room where I was speaking. An entrepreneur was explaining the system to...

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