August 16, 2013
Where Should I Innovate In My Business?
I woke this morning to the rapid fire of a nail gun. Not in my room mind you, a roofer was working on a new house down the road. I...
August 15, 2013
Avoid Envy At All Costs
If your customers feel someone or something is superior to them, they will envy it. And if you are that "superior" thing, envy is not good. When customers envy something,...
August 14, 2013
If You Think I'm Great, It's Not Me. It's You.
If you think I'm great, it's not me. It's you. If you think I'm great, it's not me. You don't see me. You see you in me. If you think...
August 13, 2013
What Street Signs Can Teach You About Advertising
Advertising has changed. A lot. Customer attention spans are nil. We want what we want, not what you want us to want. So how do you advertise when people want...
August 12, 2013
How To Instantly Break Stress
In this episode of On A Roll, Mike Michalowicz explains why drawing an infinity sign (a figure 8 on its side) in the air, instantly breaks stress. It forces you...
August 10, 2013
How To Prepare For Entrepreneurship
e of the more frequent questions I am asked about entrepreneurship is how to prepare for it. You do it. You just start doing it. Doing is the best way...
August 9, 2013
Yes To Clarity. No To Excruciating Detail.
I still don't have a Kindle, and don't think I want one. I love the feel of physical books. I love the subtle cracking sound of the spin when I...
August 8, 2013
Risk Is The Only Rule
I think bumper stickers are the modern versions of Chinese proverbs. When I see a parked car covered with them, I get butterflies in my stomach. I just stand and...
August 7, 2013
The Real Bottom Line
Who is more successful? Bill and Melinda Gates or this father and son: Over the past thirty years, Dick Hoyt and his son Rick have completed hundreds of races, including...
August 6, 2013
How Loss Motivates People To Buy
More people buy my books after I speak, than before. It's what you would expect, of course. But why is it? The same number of people are there before and...