July 23, 2020
The Shortest Marketing Lesson
The shortest marketing lesson? Be different. It is critical to stand out. And when you are different, you get noticed. Think about your mail. Full of mailers. Do you...
July 2, 2020
Who is Your Customer Avatar?
Now more than ever, you need to pinpoint your market. But how? There is a common known concept for small and medium business owners. It’s also the least executed. And...
June 21, 2017
Going Bananas for a Well Selected Name
A powerful name does wonders. Recently, I went to a Savannah Bananas baseball game in, you guessed it, Savannah, Georgia. The intensity of the fanship was nothing short...
October 14, 2016
Don’t Listen To Non-Consumers
I went to the mall this past weekend to pick-up a few new shirts. At least... that was my intention. My fashion consultant (my wife, Krista) had other plans. Our...
October 11, 2016
Business Applications for Facebook On The Rise
You know all about how companies have been using mobile applications to help boost their bottom line. Now, get ready for Facebook applications to be the next big thing! Development...
July 14, 2016
Utopia Corporation
If you are like most people in business, you strive to be the best. Heck, we all do, right? Problem is, so many businesses strive to be the best –...
April 29, 2016
The Entrepreneur’s Costume (Hint: Dress Like Your Brand)
Some entrepreneurs spend more time picking out a Halloween costume than they spend developing their own personal image. Even women, who traditionally allocate more time and energy to their appearance,...
January 29, 2016
How To Know If Your Business Idea Is A Good One
It is likely the most common question I hear: “How do I know of my business idea is a good one?” That question is usually followed up with, “Would you...
January 5, 2016
5 Secrets To Increasing Your Prices
It’s inevitable. We all have to raise prices at some point in order to stay solvent. It’s also inevitable that we’re going to agonize over the decision, worrying about what...
January 1, 2016
How To Name Your New Company
If you are picking a company name the old fashion way you are in trouble. You know what I am talking about — brainstorm names how customers can quickly figure...