February 11, 2014
How To Find The Employee Who Can Do It All
I heard it again today; an entrepreneur saying that when he “finally finds some great talent,” his business will grow, and be profitable, and he will work less, and blah,...
January 25, 2014
We all get satisfaction from being on top. If you have the newer car, I’ll get solace in the fact that my child has better grades than yours. If I...
December 27, 2013
How To Bring Out The Best In Your Employees
It has been said before that everyone has a talent of some sort. And while this may be true, it is also true that many people never really get a...
November 24, 2013
Keeping Corporate Culture
During a recent trip I stopped by one of my favorite chain restaurants, Cracker Barrel.* It was a new store that had opened in New Jersey, yet I noticed many...
October 31, 2013
The 8 Best Ways To Give Employee Recognition
Happy employees - motivated employees - energetic employees. For your business to be the best in the industry, its great employees that will make a difference. The first step is...
October 15, 2013
What To Do When You Lose That Great Employee
It can totally side blind you. That great employee, who everyone at the office (including you) loves, says they are leaving for a job elsewhere. The common entrepreneurial reaction is...