Growth Strategies

Never Confuse Income With Wealth

Never confuse significant income with significant wealth. Never confuse activity with efficiency, nor efficiency with productivity. Never confuse workaholism with actual results. Forever spend less than you make, and significant...

Keep Your Secret Sauce Secret

When is the last time you whipped up a batch of Kentucky Fried Chicken at home? Not the time you tried and nearly burned the kitchen down, the time you...

How To Bring Out The Best In Your Employees

It has been said before that everyone has a talent of some sort. And while this may be true, it is also true that many people never really get a...

The Master of Too

Quick, name the athlete who won gold medals in swimming, fencing, gymnastics, and basketball – in the same Olympics. Stumped? That’s because no one has done it, and no one...

Don’t Share An Idea, Investors Will Steal It- And Other Misconceptions

If you want to go from wannabe to newbie to successful entrepreneur, you’ve got to bust through some of the most common misconceptions about starting your own business. If you...

Your Best Business Adviser

Your best business adviser is your customer.   You customer makes it very clear what they like - they buy it from you.   You customer makes it very clear...

Which Trajectory Do You Choose?

When I was in college I would take a break from my studies to play a popular video game called Scorched Earth. In the game, your tank would shoot a...

The Best Advice For Entrepreneurial Success

It is likely the most common question I get... “What is your best advice for entrepreneurial success?” My answer varies in the words I use, but the theme is always...

How To Massively Leverage Your Super Talents

I was forwarded an email that was a forward of an email, that was forwarded from Dan Sullivan.  All credit for the process that you are about to learn goes...

The Power of the Nobodies

They used to call it the Oprah Effect; Get on her show and your product, book, recipe, service, info-product, brand and everything about you took off (Yeah, I am talking...

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