Management Strategies

Empty Your Mind for Optimal Productivity

A while back I shared some of my favorite productivity tools for the computer, and our Entrepreneurs Enclave (it's a invite only Facebook group) offered up a ton of your faves with me...

The 22 Unexpected Places Where You Can Find Great Employees

The Watering Hole Is Putrid Have you had bad results when using job boards to find top talent? It isn't that the job listing sites are bad, its just that...

What Are Your Immutable Laws?

The Rules Of Your Life Immutable Laws are the rules of our lives. They define you. They define your business. Immutable Laws are a blend of ethics, core values and...

Form A Heavenly Advisory Board

Meeting George In Heaven When I die, I hope heaven allows me to meet people from the past. Another part of me hopes I will be admitted to heaven. Who...

How to Hire the Right People for the Job

A few weeks back I caught a few minutes of The Today Show and noticed a short segment about a hiring day at the Intrepid in Manhattan, specifically for veterans returning to...

Why You Should Pride Yourself On Being A Frugal Entrepreneur

My office is in a cookie factory. I am not in the business of making cookies, but I sure as heck like eating them. Especially the toffee-chocolate chip cookies. Yowsers,...

Provendus Group – Tele=Event Registration

PROVENDUS GROUP - TELE-EVENT (REGISTRATION) Event Date / Time: Wednesday, February 13th, 2013 at 12:00noon Eastern (9:00am Pacific)   Enter Your Name: Enter your Email:   IMPORTANT: Once you register...

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