
Don't Overthink It

It is a paradox. Success requires a clear vision. The more you can see it, the more likely you are to achieve it. I get it. In fact I believe...

Use The 15 Month Rule To Review Your Operating Agreement

What was a good idea then may not be a good idea now. Take partnerships, for example. Many first timers go in 50/50 expecting both partners to be all in,...

Old Dogs Can Teach New Tricks

You can't teach an old dog new tricks. Maybe that's true. Maybe they are already overflowing with tricks. Maybe they can't absorb more. Maybe they are just unwilling. But old...

You Are A Reflection Of What You Surround Yourself With

I have noticed that some people are news addicts and others are anti-news addicts (avoiding the news like the plague). I am the latter. I never watch the news. To...

When Is The Big Payoff

When is the big payoff? It will occur way later than you ever expected. It will require more effort than you ever knew you had. It will happen because no...

The Importance Of Focus

There are songs about it (think One by U2), there are stores named after it (think Pier 1) and every sports team on the planet says they are number one...

Impatience Versus Anticipation

Change sucks. Strike that. Waiting for change, sucks. Once we know we want something, we want it instantly. We don’t want to wait for graduation, for choice clients, to buy...

Don't Hit The Snooze Button Of Life

Do you bolt out of bed when your alarm sounds, or do you hit the snooze button seventeen times before you crawl out of bed in a sleep-induced haze? What...

The World's Best – Presented by Mike Michalowicz at TEDx Hoboken

Mike Michalowicz presents at TEDx Hoboken: The World's Best. Most people have a very narrow vision of what makes the world's best, and it hurts our own ability to achieve...

The Top 10 Biggest Entrepreneur Mistakes

Mistakes? Not me. All right, all right. I’ve made a few. More importantly, I’ve seen it all. And in my experience, if you can avoid these whoppers, your success is...

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