
Your Confidence Will Climb By Taking Your Profit First

In your business, always take your profit first. It immediately puts money in your pocket, confidence in your heart, and innovation in your mind!   .

An Addiction To Axioms

Be careful about accepting things the way they are, simply because it has always been that way. The world was flat, until someone finally thought otherwise. The earth was the...

What Are You Passionate About?

When you have passion for something it will get you over every brick wall, help you weather every storm, and even when you’ve been knocked down for the hundredth time,...

Lessons from 8 of the Greatest Marketers of All Time

The greatest marketers of all time bring us different lessons, approaches and philosophies but they all achieve the same results — conversions and loyalty. Create your own marketing with one,...

The Teacher Is The Best Student

It is one of my favorite personal ah-ha moments: My friend, JB Blanchard, and I were hastily walking to a speaking event I had on a college campus. We were...

The Best Way To Break The Industry Rules

To know the rules is dangerous. You are likely to adhere to them. Drive down a road without a speed limit sign, you'll guess the likely speed limit and drive...

Breaking Rules

As I write this, I just finished hosting the 2015 Rule Breaker Awards. Amazing entrepreneur after amazing entrepreneur was recognized for breaking the rules. Then it hit me like a...

The Shoulder

I am working on my next book as I write this. One of the privileges of being an author is you get to speak with extraordinary people from all walks...

How Would You Rather Fail?

Entrepreneurship is risky. It is fraught with challenges. While you can choose to do exactly what you love to do, there is a real possibility that you will fail. The...

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