September 13, 2023
Do You Need to Fire Some Clients? Cultivating Profitability in Your Small Business
All entrepreneurs know how exciting it is to get customers and clients. The challenge comes when you have to manage them. They’re diverse, their needs are shifting in a...
December 19, 2021
5 New Year’s Resolutions for Business Owners
As a small business owner you’re probably always looking for the next best way to improve your business. With a new year upon us, I’m betting some of...
July 2, 2020
Who is Your Customer Avatar?
Now more than ever, you need to pinpoint your market. But how? There is a common known concept for small and medium business owners. It’s also the least executed. And...
March 18, 2016
Have Great Client Meetings in These 12 Unexpected Places
Holding meetings with clients is a given. At some point just about all entrepreneurs need to meet with their client. But where you meet can make a big difference. So...
January 29, 2016
How To Know If Your Business Idea Is A Good One
It is likely the most common question I hear: “How do I know of my business idea is a good one?” That question is usually followed up with, “Would you...
September 23, 2015
Always Have These 6 Contractors At The Ready
You land a big new project and need expertise and staff that you don’t currently have. No small business can afford an army of employees just sitting around waiting for...
May 20, 2015
Increase Your Close Rate By 25% With This Killer Sales Technique
I originally started the introduction to this article by explaining to you that my industry is soooooo competitive. It is…truly. I’m an author, and any time I’m pitching a new...
March 25, 2015
6 Ways To Make Your Business Look Bigger Than It Really Is
It was one of the first school yard tricks I learned. Puff up my chest by holding in my breath, spread my spindly arms out super wide, and walk on...
February 4, 2015
Unselling Is On The Rise
It is human nature to crave that which is exclusive – reserved only for a certain few. Knowing that a product is in limited supply, or only offered to certain...
January 14, 2015
6 Tips For Writing A Highly Persuasive Proposal
Whether you’re selling something that costs $1000 or $100,000, putting together a compelling proposal is time consuming and can be intimidating. Writing that proposal, though, and taking the time to...