
Is Being Available All The Time Killing Your Business?

Johann Wolfgang von Goeth, the famous writer and scientist, was quoted as once saying, “We must always change, renew, rejuvenate ourselves; otherwise, we harden.” His philosophy couldn’t be more true,...

Purpose Phrase Yes, Mission Statement No

Quick. What is Fedex’s mission statement? It is only five sentences long. Five nauseating sentences long, with words like “superior financial returns for investors” and “customer requirements met with the...

Rinse & Repeat

Every mother on this planet teaches their child to "Do what you are told."  Marketers are eternally grateful. Take your shampoo bottle, for example.  One of the most powerful marketing...

6 Negative Traits Of Entrepreneurship That Remain Unspoken

I’m a member of an entrepreneur group.  It’s full of people whose names you’d recognize, owners of companies with a world-wide presence.  I was stunned at one of the meetings...

Reward The Effort, Not The Outcome

When my son came home with straight A's, I congratulated him on the success. That was a mistake, because what gets rewarded get's focused on. While at first blush, getting...

The Best Time To Sell Your Business

When you need money the most. . . when your sales are good, but your profits are bad. . . when you are exhausted and don’t want the business any...

4 Phrases of Amazing Customer Service

I’ve grown my companies by focusing on great customer service. We didn’t always have the biggest names in business working at the firm, and we sure couldn’t always afford the...

The 8 Parts Of The Entrepreneurs Happiness Quotient

Many people go into business to make money, so they can use it to do things that make them happy. The problem is others go into the same line of...

You Are Never Going To Make Enough Money; Here’s Why

Yes, you read that right. I’m here to break the bad news to you. You aren’t ever going to make enough money! You simply can’t ever make enough money. It’s...

5 Secrets To Increasing Your Prices

It’s inevitable. We all have to raise prices at some point in order to stay solvent. It’s also inevitable that we’re going to agonize over the decision, worrying about what...

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