November 1, 2016
Let Your Packaging Prime Your Customers
Our prospects and clients are highly influenced by their first impression. It is called priming - what we see first, determines our perception of the things to come. You can...
October 25, 2016
How To Market Through Your Customers
We all know an effective marketing campaign can be the key that unlocks the door to a world of new customers. The trouble is that consumers are buried under a...
July 12, 2016
Great Tips For Offering Credit To Your Customers
Let’s face it, we live in a credit society today. Everywhere we go we are paying with credit, getting offers for credit, and wishing we had more of it. But...
April 26, 2016
Should You Raise Your Prices?
There is a danger when you raise your prices. You may lose customers. It can (and does) happen. But you also need to realize that higher prices only result in...
April 5, 2016
Less Is More
Could you imagine a fruit stand that just sold bananas? Kinda lame, don't you think? Customers want variety. Where's the blueberries? The apples? The mangoes? Where's all the options? The...
March 10, 2016
Empower Any Employee With 3 Questions
You can’t do it all by yourself. I don’t care how brilliant you are, at some point, if you want to scale up your business, you’re going to have to...
February 25, 2016
The marketplace is an ocean and it is the only place you can capture waves. When you are in the ocean... do everything you can to ride a wave. Don’t...
December 18, 2015
Profitable Pricing in Four Steps
A jewelry store at a busy cruise ship port had a store full of items, one of which wasn’t selling, despite its relatively modest price of $25. Frustrated and worried...
October 27, 2015
How To Be Scalable
Scalable has become an abused word. Everyone wants to be scalable, yet few understand what it means. So let's get a few things straight. To be scalable is not to...
September 1, 2015
Build The Sidewalks After The Paths Are Discovered
This is a picture (thanks to Google Maps) of the Virginia Tech drillfield, the center of campus. All the students living in dorms cross the drillfield every day to get...