September 10, 2014
How Can You Recognize Your Talent?
It’s a pretty common question. Afterall we are often blind to our talent, because what comes easy to you (ahem - your talent) you think comes easy to everyone else....
February 22, 2014
You’re Amazing
You have a blend of talents that no one else has. You have a wealth of knowledge that no one else has. You have a history of experiences that no...
February 11, 2014
How To Find The Employee Who Can Do It All
I heard it again today; an entrepreneur saying that when he “finally finds some great talent,” his business will grow, and be profitable, and he will work less, and blah,...
February 6, 2014
How To Do Everything (Hint: You Can’t)
Want to do everything? You can’t! What? Were you expecting a quick primer that would affirm your belief that you can do it all, AND teach you how to stay...
December 27, 2013
How To Bring Out The Best In Your Employees
It has been said before that everyone has a talent of some sort. And while this may be true, it is also true that many people never really get a...
November 9, 2013
Relentlessly Persistent
I played football my freshman year in high school. I was skinny, but not the smallest. Danny was. Danny wasn't naturally gifted and clearly didn't have the football physique. But...
September 25, 2013
Too Much Of A Good Thing
Brussels sprouts are great for your health. So are blueberries. And so are foods naturally rich in Vitamin C. But commit to a diet that is exclusively Brussels sprouts, or...
February 18, 2013
5 Easy Steps To Find Your Hidden Talents
5 Easy Steps To Finding Your Talents Is talent born or made? The dictionary says talent is a “natural endowment” of a person—so we’re all born with our talents. It’s...
December 31, 2012
How To Recruit Talent Fast, Without The HR Department
Recruit Talent Fast What if you could prescreen interviewees for your company when it was convenient for you, like when you’re sitting on the couch during commercial breaks or in...