Break to Fix Strategies
September 3, 2020
Kick 2020’s butt!
There are a lot of 2020 memes floating around out there...none of them pleasant. How will 2020 end for you? Some of you have told me you’re doing just...
February 24, 2020
The Business Priority Pyramid
The entrepreneurial journey is an exceptionally peculiar one. We start our businesses with a clear vision of personal and financial freedom. Yet, that goal of freedom – the primary reason...
May 17, 2017
Are Your Clients Sucking the Life Out of You?
Bad clients are bad for business. They can take an inordinate amount of time to service. They can complain about the irrelevant. They may not pay their bills, or at...
May 10, 2017
Focus Hacks
It happens to us all. We are working away, and then that email chime goes off. Two hours later we finally realize that we drifted off from the work we...
October 20, 2016
YES: The Most Dangerous Word In Business
It’s YES. The most dangerous, damaging word in business is YES. I know what you are thinking. “What the hell, Mike? Business is all about getting the customer to say...
September 16, 2016
Small Step Prospecting
Don't send me an email telling me to “click here in the next five seconds” or I will forever lose the deal of a lifetime. Don't call me asking me...
September 9, 2016
Surrounded With Naysayers? Here’s 12 Ways To Deal With Them
You have a great idea. Yet, the naysayers tell you it will never work. If you let them, naysayers can crush your dreams. If you don’t confront them they’ll continue...
September 8, 2016
How To Handle Having Too Much To Do
Are you feeling overwhelmed? Maybe you’re having a panic attack, or a sudden desire to curl up under your desk in a fetal position and cry. Now what? First, recognize...
August 26, 2016
7 Actions to Reduce Stress In Seconds
Life is stressful, especially if you’re in a startup or are an entrepreneur. That’s why sugar, caffeine, high fat snacks and comfort food are so popular. The thing is, that...
July 7, 2016
Cut Down On The 5 Biggest Expenses In Your Business
Every business has expenses. And, as much as we don’t like them, they are part of the nature of what we do. But there are some things that businesses spend...