Human Resources

The Difference Between A Good Salesperson And A Bad One

All salespeople are not created equal, and it can be hard to separate the good ones from the bad ones. But there is one way to differentiate them. Bad salespeople...

The Two Types Of Salespeople

There are two types of salespeople: 1. The people who can sell. 2. The people who can sell themselves. There is only one way to distinguish them: Cold, hard numbers....

The Absolute Best Way To Discipline An Employee

I don't care how good you think your method of disciplining employees is, I can guarantee it's wrong. How can I much such a seemingly absurd claim without knowing a...

The 3 Step Process To Get People More Engaged In Meetings

Have you run meetings where no one actively participates? Where no one voices an opinion or asks a question? Where you just get lots of blank gazes, empty nods and...

How To Break Up A Business Partnership

So the time to break ways with your business partner has finally come, huh?  Those early start up days where you and your partner were both going to "do whatever...

The Real Reason Entrepreneurs Don't Hire Their First Employee

The excuses all sound so legit.  I don't have the money to hire someone!  The systems aren't in place yet!  Unless the new guy comes up to speed super fast,...

The 12 Ways To Instantly Boost Morale At Your Office

The morale can go up and down like the DOW Jones. Some of it is a natural result of outside influences, such as a struggling economy. Most of it is...

The Best Office Pranks Of All Time

One of the pros for working for someone else is that you have co-workers to prank. There are the great office pranks, like covering your bosses’ office in Post-It Notes,...

How To Recruit Talent Fast, Without The HR Department

Recruit Talent Fast What if you could prescreen interviewees for your company when it was convenient for you, like when you’re sitting on the couch during commercial breaks or in...

Never Try To Motivate Employees With Money

Money Does Not Motivate Employees I can’t think of anything I love more than being acknowledged, unless it’s rewarded at the same time I’m being acknowledged. Employees are the same...

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