Human Resources

What Is Being In Control?

This is likely the most misunderstood concept circulating in modern day society.  Being in control means that all the elements of your life are easily managed by you. Effectively you...

A Bad Economy Can Be A Good Thing; Here’s 7 Reasons Why

You read the headline correctly! You know all too well that the economy issues have taken its toll on the country. But there is always a silver lining, and the...

What Are Your Office Traditions?

As I am writing this, I just got back from doing push ups. In fact the entire office just did push ups.  Why, you ask? Because it is our office...

The Element of Job Ads That Is Most Important (And Often Forgotten)

We’ve all seen (and maybe even written) those job ads that make it sound as though the staff is a sunny, smiling crew and the environment is full of high-fives...

Start Your New Employees Off The Right Way

Hiring and training new employees is not only time-consuming, but is also costly. That’s why, when you bring someone aboard, you should be doing all you can to make it...

Arguing With Your Business Partner (It’s A Good Thing)

I have had multiple business partners over the years, and realized that the most successful businesses came from partners that I argued with. I believe, in fact, that arguing is...

5 Steps To Take When A Great Employee Has A Bad Habit

About fifteen years ago, I owned a company with a small telemarketing division.  Of the four or so employees we had in that division, Bill was far and away the...

Have An Effective Meeting With These 6 Steps

We all know the truth, and it’s time we started admitting it.  Most meetings are ineffective.  Frustrated with sessions that seemed to accomplish little except functioning as insomnia remedies, I...

You May Be Unintentionally Turning a Great Employee Into A Terrible One In 6 Ways

When we have trouble with an employee, it’s easy to place the blame on them.  If they’d only followed the procedure, or if they’d only understood the clients’ needs, or...

Stop Employee Turnover In 3 Simple Steps

You know the only thing that’s more expensive than hiring, paying, and training new employees? Losing an employee and having to do it all over again. Over and over I...

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