
How To Speak At TEDx

I have done a lot of speaking engagements all over the world. Probably 200+ by now. And the event I have enjoyed speaking at the most, was TEDx Hoboken. There...

How To Deal With Annoying People (The FroMLE Technique)

The FroMLE Technique Even though I have an Immutable Law, No Dicks Allowed, I still run into some opinionated, strong and occasionally obnoxious personalities. It can be a vendor or...

Not All Revenue Is The Same

Not All Revenue Is The Same Every dollar your company makes isn't the same.  Sometimes the dollar you earn cost you seventy five cents to make.  Other times it costs...

Manage Better With The "React Less, Listen More" Rule

As the boss, have you ever done something that you soon regretted? Come on, we have all done it. You get into a heated discussion, push it too far, say...

Be Consistent With Your Immutable Laws

Your immutable laws are what make you (and your business) distinct. They are the rules that you play by. When you fully adhere to your immutable laws, your clients, your...

You Do Want Your Career Highlights On Your Tombstone

I hear it over and over. Your career highlights won't be on your tombstone. It is your family name that will be there. The lesson? Be everything to your children....

Better Answers Come From Better Questions

Some of my best ideas hit me in the shower.  I’ll be singing away, shampooing my hair when. . . BAM!  A great idea pops into my head and I...

Do You Live In A Friendly Or Hostile Universe

“The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe.” – Albert Einstein So let’s say you call for pizza and when...

A Trick To Instantly Break Stress

With your finger draw an infinity sign (a figure eight laying on its side) in the air.  Make it big.  Keep your hand going in this motion continuously. As you...

You Are The Average Of Your Five Closest Friends

You are equal to your five closest friends. This is either good news or bad news, depending on the type of people you hang out with. You love your mob,...

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